Benefits of eating amble and uses best tips 2019!

Benefits of eating amble and uses best tips 2019

Benefits of amla

The importance of ambla is not only in ayurveda but also in architecture, astronomy and the religious form. In ayurveda, acid is considered as chemical. Among the many famous medicines of ayurveda and unani pathy, amla has been used since time immemorial. There is no disease from head to foot that cannot be cured by amla. It is not only the use of white leprosy in the human body. Timely intake of eggs is beneficial every season. Vitamin c is rich in intestine, which is rich in miraculous medicinal power for eliminating many diseases such as eyes, hair, skin, constipation, diabetes, etc. The vitamin c present in this season does not get destroyed even when dried or boiled, hence in ayurveda, ambla is an all time fruit and medicine.

Please understand and use a few home remedies for the bowel :

1/adding aloe vera juice to the intestine can double its effect and properties. An empty stomach of 15-15 ml of aloe vera and amla juice mixed with 120 ml of lukewarm water per morning keeps the stomach clean and gets rid of constipation and gas problems.

2/ those with persistent cold - cold problem should be given a daily drink of 5 ml of acid juice with 20 ml of lukewarm water. People with severe cold and cold should not eat raw blood.

3/mixing one tablespoon of your eye powder with water daily to empty stomach does not raise your blood cholesterol levels.

4/ in chest debility and irritation, one teaspoon of acid powder mixed with two teaspoons of honey is the best benefit of lick twice a day. The experiment may also serve as a tonic.

5/ drinking acid juice daily increases the illumination of the eyes. Lick a tablespoon of honey into the juice of the egg daily to help prevent cataract problems.

6/ the raw material mixed with the milk of the goat and applied to the head and forehead to relieve the congestion.

7/ eat three amla daily in any form of heart disease which will relieve the heart problem. You can also eat a garland of gourd.

8/ take the amla powder from the bowel with cow's milk three times a day or cough with honey.

9/ if acid is present, a gram flour powder and sugar is obtained from drinking water or milk morning and evening.

10/ the combination of radish juice with the powder of the acid for forty days eliminates the problem of calculus.

Healthy fruits amla

11/-lrb - v -rrb - when the hemoglobin level in the blood is low, consumption of intestinal juice daily will be of benefit. Amla helps the formation of red blood cells in the body, thereby reducing the blood loss.

12/drinking rectal juice can help relieve the fever, as well as adding some camphor to the gum juice to help relieve toothache and cavities.

13/ frequent hiccups or vomiting can benefit from taking oral juices with the nausea 3-4 times a day.

14/ in the morning with cow's milk, this helps to keep the brain strong and good memory.

15/ Apply an amla paste to your face to make it clear, shiny, and remove blemishes and wrinkles more slowly.

16 apply the powder of the eye to the roots of the hair and wash it away after a few minutes, making hair dark, strong and shiny. This will also prevent hair loss.

17/an rheumatic patient with 20 grams of jaggery in a powder powder of 20 grams and 500 ml in water and boil until the water is half. Drink the praba twice a day. Do not use salt or in very small amounts during the process.

18/ boil the earwax leaves in the water and cool them down, then rinse the water 2-3 times a day and your mouth will heal and heal the sore! (50-50 grams of bowel juice and honey are added during sleep every morning and night to help reduce belly fat and obesity.) This remedy also alleviates the problem of a dry cough.

19/one glass of sugarcane juice with three green egg juice and three tablespoons of honey will last 10 days. The disease will recover in 3 to 4 days.

20/combine the amla and turmeric powder in equal proportions. Take one teaspoon (teaspoon) of the mix powder with water as often as you eat. Diabetes will never irritate you. You can also take this mixture with honey.


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